



第318回のスポットライトリサーチは、東京工業大学 物質理工学院応用化学系(稲木研究室)・Yaqian Zhou(ヤチェン チョウ)さんにお願いしました。

Zhouさんの所属する稲木研究室では、有機化合物や高分子材料のレドックス(酸化還元)化学、特に電極電子移動を鍵ステップとした有機合成法(有機電解合成)を基盤として有用な機能分子・高分子の創製を行っています。本研究成果はAngewandte Chemie International Edition誌原著論文およびプレスリリースに公開されています。

“Fabrication of Gradient and Patterned Organic Thin Films by Bipolar Electrolytic Micelle Disruption Using Redox-active Surfactants”
Zhou, Y.; Shida, N.; Tomita, I.; Inagi, S. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60,14620–14629.
doi: 10.1002/anie.202103233



Q1. 今回プレスリリースとなったのはどんな研究ですか?簡単にご説明ください。

Organic thin films (TFs) have been extensively investigated in various devices; some prominent examples include sensors, photovoltaic cells and transistors. At present, the available methods for producing TFs, such as chemical vapor deposition, are highly instrument-dependent and time-consuming. Especially, making TFs with specific shapes or thickness distributions is even more challenging. Towards the limited cognition of this direction, this work has taken advantage of the wireless feature and the controlled potential distribution in bipolar electrochemistry, to establish a bipolar electrolytic micelle disruption (BEMD) approach.

Our group originally designed several bipolar electrochemical apparatuses that could offer gradient or circular potential distribution. Employing them in BEMD method, a variety of organic compounds could be carried by micelles composed of electroactive surfactants and selectively released on the electrode surface to form TFs, with respect to the gradient or the circular potential distribution. The straightforward BEMD method could be generalized to a large variety of chemical molecules, even for carbon materials and polymers, as long as they can be solubilized or dispersed by electroactive surfactants. Therefore, it greatly promoted the development for TFs preparation, which could satisfy more customized demands in various situations (see figure).

Q2. 本研究テーマについて、自分なりに工夫したところ、思い入れがあるところを教えてください。

In the wireless bipolar electrolytic system, the disrupted amounts of micelles on the electrode surface well followed the potential distribution on the electrode surface. This point is the cornerstone to establish such a controllable and general film-formation method. At the beginning of this research topic, extensive experiments were carried to verify the controllability when using the first organic compound as the film-forming material. It is indeed ideal verification results that inspire us to explore more interesting organic compounds for BEMD system, to fabricate functional TFs. As you can see, we next proceeded dye and luminescent TFs with specific shapes or thickness distributions.

Q3. 研究テーマの難しかったところはどこですか?またそれをどのように乗り越えましたか?

Our group possesses the knowledge accumulation on bipolar electrochemistry. However, this research also deeply involved in the micellar solubilization system, in which our acquisition of relevant knowledge is limited. To flexibly construct micellar solutions, we have to accurately realize the property of electroactive surfactant and the structure of formed micelles, as well as the influence factors on the micelle formation.

To advance the project, I learned a lot from professional textbooks and systematically investigated related documents. Meanwhile, Inagi-sensei kindly arranged the apparatus for micellar analysis, such as dynamic light scattering. Due to my poor Japanese, Shida-sensei also assisted my instrument operation and study in this process. Through trial and error, we had a deep understanding on the uncharted territory, which powerfully supported the depth of this research.

Q4. 将来は化学とどう関わっていきたいですか?

Experiencing study in Tokyo Tech as a PhD student, I have possessed basic abilities and qualities to be a researcher. In the short term, I would love to be a true chemical researcher not only on experiment and writing skills, but also on the ability of spotting important scientific problems and do more interesting and meaningful research work. As for research work in the following years, I will still focus on bipolar electrochemistry to explore new interdisciplinary fields towards cutting-edge scientific research fields, extending the scope of bipolar electrochemical field. For this purpose, I am seeking for an academic position in university to carry out research. In the long term, to be a college teacher engaging in teaching and scientific research is my lifelong career goal. Certainly, I am also looking forward to the opportunity to promote international collaboration in chemical research field between China and Japan in the future.

Q5. 最後に、読者の皆さんにメッセージをお願いします。

Thank you for following our scientific research stories!

Welcome to read more on our homepage (東京工業大学物質理工学院稲木研).


名前:Yaqian Zhou
所属:東京工業大学 物質理工学院
研究テーマ:Bipolar electrochemistry
2015. 09 Xi’an Jiaotong University, School of Science, B.Sc.
2018. 09–現在 東京工業大学, D3 (稲木研)





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